Dr. Ashok Kumar
Controller Of Examinations (RGU)
- Email: exam.controller@rguniversity.edu.in
- Phone: +91-9905313953
It gives me immense pleasure and pride to welcome you to Radha Govind University, Ramgarh, Jharkhand, a highly progressive and enterprising pledged to provide student's centric, Skill-based education ready to foster enlightened leadership in every sphere and a sense of entrepreneurship among it's enthusiastic scholars. Education System in India is going through rapid changes. The basic objective of Education is not only to enhance knowledge but also to prepare scholars for job-ready education which is the need of hour. Education should not merely equip an individual to adjust with society to its customs and conventions, but it should enable him to bring desirable changes in the society.
I am motivating and having expertise in Education of more than 9+ years and have been inspiring my students to pursue academic and personal excellence. I am striving to create a challenging and engaging environment in which students become enduring scholars and learners.The admission and examination are the two most important faces of any University. It is our responsibility to keep both the processes efficient and transparent. These are welcoming signs and generate new challenge for office of the controller of examination. The examinations’ being a very sensitive and time bound task. These different sections work in a very cordial manner having committed and dedicated staff. To keep pace in with changing time, increasing number of candidates, expanding workload, and shortening delivery time, the university has already introduced I.T. solutions to provide quality services. Any University which dreams of becoming flagship in educational arena must have an eye on the console to analyze staggering parameters indicating level of quality education being imparted, teaching pedagogy vis-à-vis its impact on the students’ attitude – through results.
The ultimate end of any society should be to promote individual, trim has demeanors, harness his capabilities and ornament his conduct with traits that enable him to see entire human race as offsprings of a single family and love and serve everyone indiscriminately. Every academic activity in Higher Education Institutions, therefore, should be so oriented as to explore latent potentialities among him/her and direct them for the benefit of the entire human race. Higher Education Institutions as such should be the torch bearers and custodians of virtues.Veracity, Quality and Control are the rudimentary principles on which I firmly believe. By the grace of God and indomitable commitment of Office of Controller of Examinations team have been able in a short time to reinstate the credibility, reliability and functionality of this most critical and dynamic section. By virtue of deep involvement and dedication in the examination matters, I am pleased that office of Controller of Examinations now plays a vital role in the University’s strategic decisions.