Our Objectives
The objects of the University shall be to disseminate and advance knowledge and skill by providing instructional, research and extension of facilities and in such branches of learning as it may deem fit and the University shall endeavour to provide to students and teachers the necessary atmosphere and facilities for the promotion of:
- Innovation in education leading to restructing of courses, new methods of teaching, training, and learning including online learning, blended learning, continuing education and such other modes and integrated and whole some development of personality.
- Studies in various disciplines.
- Inter disciplinary studies.
- National integration, secularism and social equity and International understanding and ethics.
Provide a Clear Articulated and Transparent Pathway between Various INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS Programmes. The University will serve as a vehicle to that academic programmes work collaboratively in order that students and employers are aware of the objectives and learning outcomes of the various programmes. Provide a Single Point of Contact between University & International communities to offer the International communities a window to the University for Education, research, consultancy and professional development purposes.
To offer external constituencies a single point of contact, to initiate inquiries about University and from which referral can be made to appropriate responders. To provide a co-ordinated effort to meet the workforce development needs of the State as well as the nation. It is recognized that a rapid-response workforce approach will be use in situations of high demand and need. Provide Outreach Services to the entire region. Help to ensure that communities, non-governmental organizations, State agencies, environmental groups, farmers to have access to outreach activities (technical advice, seminars, workshops, organizational assistance) that encourage and promote sustainable and responsible development. Work with community groups, small and medium-size enterprises & communities to help ensure that all residents will have an opportunity.