Prof. (Dr.) Samarendra Nath Saha

Vice Chancellor (RGU)

I feel pleasure in serving as the Vice-Chancellor of this University named after the parents of the Hon’ble Chancellor Sh. B.N.Sah. I am committed to achieve their dreams come true leading to holistic growth of young mind of the society with the goal interalia social transformation through dynamic education in this comparatively new vibrant University. The untiring effort of the dedicated teachers, administrative staff , non teaching staff and the great enthusiasm of the student community with the determination of the upliftment of the vision and mission are the asset and strength of this university.
In this University various conventional faculties including those of Humanities & Social Science, Commerce & Management , Legal Studies , Engineering & Technology enrich various course subject departments. This university offers Diploma, UG, PG and Ph.D. degrees in some 70 course subjects. Some of the significant departments of this university may be worth mentioning like Library & Information Science, Education, Physical Education, Yoga, Journalism & Mass Communication, Agricultural Science, Pharmacy, Nursing which appear to be pride of the stake holders of this University. Like in any great esteemed University there must have some or other weakness or drawback, in our university also there may be scope of improvement of some or other sector. It’s my personal belief that as a teamwork we all together combining all the individual strengths would do our best with determination for the sake of our fast University developmental growth leading to the constructive effect on our nation. I have a message to all the stake holders including the teaching fraternity, non teaching staff, students and alumni of this esteemed University of the progressive state of Jharkhand. Be proud of being the part of this University and this is the moral responsibility of all concerned to raise the name and fame of this University to the greater height of nationally and globally at large recognized University.